Military Veterans who could benefit from utilizing a well-cared-for and maintained vehicle for common errands, including V.A. The Snoqualmie Tribe provides this vehicle for U.S. VETERANS VEHICLE RIDE-SHARE PROGRAM LAUNCH: The Snoqualmie Tribe and Snoqualmie Casino are launching a free vehicle-sharing service for eligible Veterans who reside in the Snoqualmie Valley area. VETERANS DAY FREE BUFFET OFFER: Throughout the day, Falls Buffet at Snoqualmie Casino will also offer a FREE buffet to all United States military veterans with valid military I.D.
Snoqualmie Casino will present veterans with newly released challenge coins.Taps and To the Colors, played by Retired U.S.Flag lowering and raising by Snoqualmie Tribe Color Guard.A brief program will include words from members and leaders of the Snoqualmie Tribe, Snoqualmie Casino, American Legion and the City of Snoqualmie.